Development of a Sustainable Financial System for Bangladesh with Reference to the Global Financial Crisis: An Evaluation

S. M. Sohrab UDDIN
Economic growth and financial intermediation are highly correlated. Both bank-based systems and market-based systems can be used for intermediation. However, the financial crisis in Japan and in the US has put the developing countries in a dilemma in choosing a bank-based system or a market-based system for the channelization of funds from the surplus to the deficit sector. Bangladesh is no exception. In this regard, the present study, which is based on secondary data, identifies the causes of
more » ... he global financial crisis and its remedies. In addition, the study highlights the operation of the existing financial system and its performance in Bangladesh. It also recommends a sustainable financial system for Bangladesh with some key factors, which are required for its well being in particular and of the economy at large.
doi:10.34382/00011667 fatcat:jh6fcp3tinhnrby5knm27wi3um