Alexandra Kloužková, Martina Mrázová, Martina Kohoutková, Jaroslav Kloužek
2012 Ceramics-Silikáty  
The aim of this study was to prepare leucite dental composites from two separately synthesized components - tetragonal leucite and glassy matrix. The newly developed procedure is based on the preparation of crystalline tetragonal leucite powder by relatively low temperature synthesis under hydrothermal conditions. Matrix powder was prepared by a classical melting process and subsequent milling of the quenched glass. The dental composites were prepared by mixing of 10 wt. %, 20 wt. % and 30 wt.
more » ... of synthesized tetragonal leucite with glass powder followed by pressing and firing. The sintering process was observed by optical microscope and the optimal firing temperature for each composite was determined. Optical and electron microscopy was used to characterise the microstructure of the composites, especially the distribution of the leucite particles in the matrix. Dilatometric measurements proved that the coefficient of thermal expansion of the composites increased up to 44 % in comparison with the basic matrix.
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