Minimum-energy asynchronous dissemination to mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks

Hyung Seok Kim, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Wook Hyun Kwon
2003 Proceedings of the first international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems - SenSys '03  
Data dissemination from sources to sinks is one of the main functions in sensor networks. In this paper, we propose SEAD, a Scalable Energy-efficient Asynchronous Dissemination protocol, to minimize energy consumption in both building the dissemination tree and disseminating data to mobile sinks. SEAD considers the distance and the packet traffic rate among nodes to create near-optimal dissemination trees. The sinks can move without reporting their location to the tree while receiving data
more » ... es successfully. Our evaluation results illustrate that SEAD consumes less energy on building and maintaining a dissemination tree to multiple mobile sinks compared to other approaches such as directed diffusion, TTDD, and mobile ad hoc multicast.
doi:10.1145/958491.958515 dblp:conf/sensys/KimAK03 fatcat:mw3fimzopzgn7p3ox2scoqftmu