Phase Behavior and Selectivity of DNA-Linked Nanoparticle Assemblies

D. B. Lukatsky, Daan Frenkel
2004 Physical Review Letters  
We propose a model that can account for the experimentally observed phase behavior of DNA-nanoparticle assemblies (R. Jin et al., JACS 125, 1643 (2003); T. A. Taton et al., Science 289, 1757 (2000)). The binding of DNA-coated nano-particles by dissolved DNA linker can be described by exploiting an analogy with quantum particles obeying fractional statistics. In accordance with experimental findings, we predict that the phase-separation temperature of the nano-colloids increases with the DNA
more » ... rage of the colloidal surface. Upon the addition of salt, the demixing temperature increases logarithmically with the salt concentration. Our analysis suggests an experimental strategy to map microscopic DNA sequences onto the macroscopic phase behavior of the DNA-nanoparticle solutions. Such an approach should enhance the efficiency of methods to detect (single) mutations in specific DNA sequences.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.92.068302 pmid:14995280 fatcat:6xgrt332jrhendfqkttr7qtb5y