The spatial structure of the Galaxy subsystems as it looks from an analysis of the system of galactic planetary nebulae

Lomara Maksimova, Alexander Kholtygin
2018 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
We recalculated the distance to 554 galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNe) using the relation between the ionized mass of the nebula µ and the optical thickness parameter τ obtained by Akimkin et al. [1] . We classified these nebulae according to the Peimbert [9] types modified by Quireza et al. [11] . The obtained by us distances to galactic PNe were used to obtain the scale heights h for different subsystem of the Milky Way. Next values if h were estimated: h = 208 ± 10 pc for thin disk objects, h
more » ... 600 ± 54 pc for thick disk ones, and h = 1378 ± 180 pc for halo PNe.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1038/1/012016 fatcat:q2yr46kgkzg2xgmqzcnahdsj4q