Therapieansprechen auf intraläsionale Steroidinjektionen bei granulomatöser Entzündungsreaktion nach Tätowierungen

Christiane S. Cussigh, Ferdinand Toberer, Alexander Enk, Holger A. Haenssle, Christine Fink
2020 Der Hautarzt  
Tattoos, including permanent makeup, may entail diverse complications like viral or bacterial infections and allergic and inflammatory reactions. In the latter case, besides exogenous pigment, histology shows an either lymphocytic or histiocytic-granulomatous infiltrate, depending on the predominant reaction pattern. We report successful treatment with intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injections in two individuals who developed granulomatous inflammation after tattooing.
doi:10.1007/s00105-020-04654-8 pmid:32696202 fatcat:oeyireu3q5atrmgi5passfwoqy