Mesh Grounding Design Based on the Study of Dangerous Voltage on Limited Sites
제한된 부지에서 위험전압 검토에 의한 메시 접지설계

Seok-Geum Son, Jae-Chul Kim
2011 Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers  
In Korea, characterized in most cases by limited area or high earth resistivity, it is likely to design narrow distances between grounding conductors, with a view to keeping ground resistance and touch voltage below the safety margin values. A new grounding method is suggested, making use of double meshes, to lower touch voltage in a confined area, since it is difficult to lay the plugs under the ground with narrow gaps between them on a limited site. For the presentation of a new model, the
more » ... gested grounding system has been analyzed and studied in ground resistance, touch voltage and step voltage, using IEEE Std. 80 calculations and computer simulations.
doi:10.5207/jieie.2011.25.11.091 fatcat:bipgdlmtvbcqvpmkzkroiotq5q