Characteristics of Semi-diurnal and Diurnal Currents at a KOGA Station over the East China Sea Shelf

Su-Yun Noh, Young Ho Seung, Eun-Pyo Lim, Hak-Yeol You
2014 Ocean and Polar Research  
The long-term mooring performed at a KOGA station, located at about 30 o 20'N, 126 o 12'E in the East China Sea shelf, shows some different behaviors between "semi-diurnal" and "diurnal currents" defined as the currents with periods around, respectively, a half day and a day. They appear to be predominantly tidal having significant coherences with sea level changes around the semi-diurnal and diurnal frequencies. The "semi-diurnal current" is strongly barotropic all year round. However,
more » ... ingly, it is largely baroclinic in summer in the area about 70 km nearer to the continental slope, referred to as the "slope-area", as was found in previous current observations. The "diurnal current" of tidal origin is strongly barotropic in winter. In spring and summer, however, it becomes more baroclinic although it still remains largely barotropic, also showing more of its barotropic nature than in the "slope-area". The inertial oscillation contributing to the "diurnal current" appears to be more prominent when the current is baroclinic, indicating the important role played by stratification in generation of inertial oscillations. Downward energy propagation of inertial oscillation is not observed, suggesting that it is not created at the surface by wind. Considering that the study area is both near a critical latitude and proximity to the continental slope, it is suggested that parametric subharmonic instability (PSI) plays a significant role in creating the baroclinic inertial oscillation.
doi:10.4217/opr.2014.36.1.059 fatcat:egz45i3mz5cjvgxmfrurngrxnm