Dual-function circular polarization converter for microwave/plasma processing systems

T. H. Chang, L. R. Barnett, K. R. Chu, F. Tai, C. L. Hsu
1999 Review of Scientific Instruments  
Generation of a uniform density plasma has been a key consideration in the design of microwave/ plasma processing systems. A circularly polarized wave can generate a plasma with good azimuthal uniformity as well as provide strong resonant interaction with the plasma electrons. In this article, we report the development of a three-port polarization converter which efficiently converts the TE 10 wave of a standard rectangular waveguide into a circularly polarized TE 11 wave of a cylindrical
more » ... ide. Employing the same principle for mode conversion, the converter is also made to function as a protective device of the high power microwave source by providing a separate port for the return and damping of the reflected wave. Such a converter has been analyzed, constructed, and tested. At the operating frequency of 2.45 GHz, test results indicate a 25 dB return loss, 97% end-to-end polarization conversion efficiency, and better than 20 dB rejection of the reflected wave. The structural simplicity of the device allows high power operation as well as easy construction for system research and applications.
doi:10.1063/1.1149619 fatcat:ec73ng5gbfhg7ayuexxulqbbti