Fish assemblages associated with Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera meadows in the shallow areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon

David Verdiell-Cubedo, Francisco José Oliva-Paterna, Mar Torralva-Forero
2007 Limnetica  
Fish assemblages associated with Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera meadows in the shallow areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon The present study investigates several biological parameters of the fish assemblages, mainly juvenile fishes and adults of small sized species, associated with the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the macroalga Caulerpa prolifera in the shallow littoral areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. Results showed that C nodosa seagrass meadows have a much higher number of
more » ... ish species and considerably greater fish abundance and biomass than Ca. prolifera meadows. Other community variables (diversity and evenness) did not show significant differences between both meadows.
doi:10.23818/limn.26.29 fatcat:7d4yr7isujgdzooxbtbqr7ehiy