A.A. Vasil'ev, S.P. Stetsenko, R.L. Vasilenko, D.G. Malykhin, P.I. Stoyev, S.V. Khovrich, O.V. Trembach, K.V. Kovtun
2020 Problems of Atomic Science and Technology  
Studies were made into the effect of severe plastic deformation on the mechanical properties, structure, and texture of high-purity cast beryllium. For the first time, angular pressing of high-purity cast beryllium was carried out at temperatures of 600 and 500 °C. It is shown that the degree of grain refinement during angular pressing into a strip reaches a significant value. In a single deformation cycle, the grain is crushed from 3 mm down to 10 μm. Temperature dependences of the mechanical
more » ... roperties of the material of extruded billets in the initial state and after recrystallization annealing at a temperature of 650 °C for one hour were studied. It has been established that the best mechanical properties are shown by the samples of material deformed at 600 °C with subsequent annealing at 650 °C for an hour.
doi:10.46813/2020-125-230 fatcat:b365aqn3qjfvjpo4bjpapf7vlu