Reaction of Ni film with In0.53Ga0.47As: Phase formation and texture

Seifeddine Zhiou, Tra Nguyen-Thanh, Philippe Rodriguez, Fabrice Nemouchi, Laetitia Rapenne, Nils Blanc, Nathalie Boudet, Patrice Gergaud
2016 Journal of Applied Physics  
The solid-state reaction between Ni and In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As on an InP substrate was studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning transmission electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy techniques. Due to the monocrystalline structural aspect of the so-formed intermetallic, it was necessary to measure by XRD a full 3D reciprocal space mapping in order to have a complete overlook over the crystalline structure and texture of the intermetallic. The formation of the intermetallic
more » ... studied upon several different Rapid Thermal Annealings on the as-deposited samples. Pole figures analysis shows that the intermetallic features a hexagonal structure (P6 3 /mmc) with an NiAs-type (B8) structure. Although only one hexagonal structure is highlighted, the intermetallic exhibits two different domains characterized by different azimuthal orientations, axiotaxial relationship, and lattice parameters. The intermetallic phases seem to present a rather wide range of stoichiometry according to annealing temperature. The texture, structure, and stoichiometry of the intermetallic are discussed along with the evolution of lattice parameters of the Ni-InGaAs phase. Published by AIP Publishing. [http://dx.
doi:10.1063/1.4963716 fatcat:zme2vo5cdza2tmavwy5yyuxb7e