Building a middle-range theory of Transformative Social Innovation; theoretical pitfalls and methodological responses

Alexander Haxeltine, Bonno Pel, Julia Wittmayer, Adina Dumitru, Rene Kemp, Flor Avelino
2017 European Public & Social Innovation Review  
Social Innovation Transformation Middle-range theory Methodology Process theory Relational theory This paper argues that there is currently a need for new theory on transformative social innovation that is able to provide empowering insights to practice, especially in terms of how social innovation interacts with transformative change processes. It identifies three 'pitfalls' that such theorybuilding needs to confront, and presents middle-range theory development, together with a focus on
more » ... relations and the processes of social innovation, as three elements of a theory-building strategy that responds to these pitfalls. In describing the implementation of this strategy in successive iterations between empirical case study research and theoretical integration, critical reflections are drawn. Taken together, these reflections underline the importance of maintaining a reflexive approach in developing a new theory of transformative social innovation.
doi:10.31637/epsir.17-1.5 fatcat:ehwk6uqgq5funka3re34c7etfq