Alexandra Kalashnikova, A.S, Russian Customs Academy, Komsomolsky av. 4,Lyubertsy, Russia, Anna Ovchinnikova, A.S, Russian Customs Academy, Komsomolsky av. 4,Lyubertsy, Russia
Recent Advances in IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture
Problems of choosing methods of management in the customs management system has been the subject of scientific research for several years. This problem becomes more urgent within the tendency of the Customs to reconfigure its performance according to the needs of business. Customs plays a strategic role in economic development of the country. It takes part in the regulation of international trade exchange between the participants of foreign economic activity, and carries out the fiscal function
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... at the borders of the country. The customs service effectively replenishes the federal budget and thereby contributes to national economy. Customs needs to be brought to the business way of functioning in order to boost international trade and economy. Within the trend of running business and manufacturing using tools of digital economy, such as E-commerce and Single Window, the need to get value for money from governments at all levels is under the spotlight as never before. However, cost-cutting programs that seek savings of 1 to 3 percent a year will not be enough and in some cases may even weaken the quality of service. Many countries have achieved practically significant results in the study and application of management technologies, such as Japan, the USA and the UK. Their experience in the implementation of the Lean production principles in the management structure of the system allows analyzing preconditions of implementation, the possibility of practical application of Lean production and achievement of target results in governmental structures. Lean aims to optimize costs, quality, and customer service constantly. It does so by engaging and equipping employees to focus on creating and delivering value in the eyes of the customer and eliminating whatever does not contribute to this goal. Evaluation of this method of the customs services improvement by using management tools allows to highlight the importance of conceptual provisions. In the Russian Federation the fundamental conceptual documents of the Federal customs service are the development Strategy of the customs service of the Russian Federation until 2020 and the Comprehensive program of the development of customs authorities up to 2020. The target directions of the development of the Customs service are formulated in these documents, as well as the tasks to achieve them. The concept of Lean production taken from the business sphere is designed to reduce the 7 types of production costs of customs services through the use of specific tools. The authors come to the conclusion that it is possible with the use of analytical ways of information processing: the system of indicators that meet the requirements of the state policy and the WCO's recommendations in the field of Customs.