Neonatal Bilirubin Encephalopathy: Study of 30 Cases at Albert Royer National Children Hospital of Dakar

P. M. Faye, Y. J. Dieng, I. Deme, D. F. Cissé, M. Kane, D. F. Cissé, S. R. Tcheuffa Wekang, I. Deme, A. Thiongane, I. D. Ba, A. Ba, M. Gueye (+7 others)
2020 Open Journal of Pediatrics  
Unconjugated bilirubin jaundice is a common symptom in neonatal period. In some babies, excessive serum bilirubin concentrations can place them at risk of acute bilirubin encephalopathy (BE) when the unconjugated pigment crosses the blood-brain barrier. Our study aimed to describe epidemiology, diagnosis and prognosis of BE at the Neonatology Department of Albert Royer Children's Hospital of Dakar. Materials and Methods: It was a retrospective, descriptive study of cases of BE from January 1,
more » ... 15 to June 30, 2019. Obstetric and perinatal data as well as postnatal jaundice data (onset time, associated signs, signs of encephalopathy, treatment and evolution) were collected and analyzed by SPSS software version 2.0. Results: We collected 30 cases of BE (1.14% des admissions) with average age of 6.7 days andsex-ratio of 1.3. Majority were term babies (29 cases; 96.7%) and 7 (23.3%) had intrauterine growth retardation. Almost all newborns (27 cases; 90%) were exclusively breastfed. At admission, all children exhibited blunt jaundice and signs of encephalopathy dominated by the abolition of archaic reflexes (76.7%), low suction (22 cases; 73.3%), central apnea (12 cases, 40%). The mean serum bilirubinemia was 322 mg/litre. Neonatal infection (10 cases; 33.3%) and fetal-maternal incompatibility (16 cases; 53.3%) were the main causes. All children received intensive phototherapy and exsanguino transfusion was performed for 7 newborns (23.3%). Nine children died (30% mortality rate). Conclusion: Only better organisation of perinatal care with enhanced postnatal follow-up can reduce the incidence of EB.
doi:10.4236/ojped.2020.101010 fatcat:s5zn5eshk5cg7jqdze7nkasz3y