Harmonic analysis of linear fields on the nilgeometric cosmological model

Masayuki Tanimoto
2004 Journal of Mathematical Physics  
To analyze linear field equations on a locally homogeneous spacetime by means of separation of variables, it is necessary to set up appropriate harmonics according to its symmetry group. In this paper, the harmonics are presented for a spatially compactified Bianchi II cosmological model -- the nilgeometric model. Based on the group structure of the Bianchi II group (also known as the Heisenberg group) and the compactified spatial topology, the irreducible differential regular representations
more » ... d the multiplicity of each irreducible representation, as well as the explicit form of the harmonics are all completely determined. They are also extended to vector harmonics. It is demonstrated that the Klein-Gordon and Maxwell equations actually reduce to systems of ODEs, with an asymptotic solution for a special case.
doi:10.1063/1.1811373 fatcat:qg3lbsp2ufa37lnvzipaugjl3y