Joint dereverberation and noise reduction based on acoustic multichannel equalization

Ina Kodrasi, Simon Doclo
2014 2014 14th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC)  
In many speech communication applications, the recorded microphone signals are often corrupted by both reverberation and noise, which can significantly impair speech quality and intelligibility. While acoustic multichannel equalization techniques can achieve a high dereverberation performance, they may lead to amplification of the additive noise, since the equalization filters are typically designed without taking the presence of noise into account. This paper presents a novel approach to joint
more » ... dereverberation and noise reduction based on acoustic multichannel equalization (DeNoREq). DeNoREq produces a weighted minimum meansquare error estimate of the clean speech signal, where the weighting parameter trades off between dereverberation and noise reduction performance. Furthermore, an automatic procedure for the selection of the weighting parameter is established. Experimental results for perfectly and erroneously estimated room impulse responses illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique in achieving a high dereverberation and noise reduction performance.
doi:10.1109/iwaenc.2014.6953354 dblp:conf/iwaenc/KodrasiD14 fatcat:ybgzb6in3nf3dm54ox5fyynbyi