The identity (re)construction of nonnative English teachers stepping into native Turkish teachers' shoes

Sevcan Mutlu, Deniz Ortaçtepe
2016 Language and Intercultural Communication  
The present study explored the identity (re)construction of five nonnative English teachers who went to the USA on a prestigious scholarship for one year to teach their native language, Turkish. In that sense, it investigated how this shift from being a nonnative English teacher to a native Turkish teacher influenced their selfimage, self-efficacy, and beliefs about teaching/learning. The data were collected mainly through three different instruments: a personal data questionnaire, ongoing
more » ... olled journals along with follow-up questions, and interviews. All the qualitative data were first analyzed according to Boyatzis' [(1998). Transforming qualitative information: Thematic analysis and code development. Sage) thematic analysis, and then the emerging themes were related to three sensitizing concepts, which were (a) self-image, (b) self-efficacy, and (c) beliefs about teaching and learning. The findings revealed that (a) the participating teachers in this study had high(er) self-efficacy but low(er) self-image when teaching English compared to Turkish because of their idealization of native speaker norms; (b) their multiple identities were interacting with each other, and shifting from being a native to a nonnative, and a language teacher to a language user; and (c) their beliefs about teaching and learning coming from their core identity as an English language teacher worked as a catalyst in this process. olmuştur, c) katılımcılar bir dili ana dili olarak konuşmayı dil öğretimi için yeterli görmemiştir, ve d) öğrenciler, meslektaşlar ve sosyalleşme süreci öğretmenin kimliği üzerinde etkilidir. Bu çalışma mevcut literatürü şu açılardan desteklemiştir; a) öğretmen kimliği çeşitli ve değişken bir yapıya sahiptir, ve b) öğretmen kimliği kendi ile çatışma ve sürekli değişim içindedir. Aynı zamanda, İngilizce öğretmeni olarak yetiştirilmelerinin katılımcıların kimliklerini şekillendirdiği ve katılımcıların kimliklerinin İngiliz dili öğretimine daha fazla dayandığı sonuçlarına varılmıştır.
doi:10.1080/14708477.2016.1194852 fatcat:yembuxvowra5del74ckxkv42sy