Factors associated with unsafe work behaviours in an Iranian petrochemical company: Perspectives of workers, supervisors, and safety managers [post]

2019 unpublished
The petrochemical industry is hazardous, in part because of the inherently dangerous nature of the work conducted, and incidents frequently result in significant financial and social losses. The most common immediate cause of incidents and injuries in this industry is unsafe worker behaviour. Identifying the factors encouraging unsafe work behaviours is the first step in taking action to discourage them. The aim of this study was to (a) explore workers', supervisors' and safety managers'
more » ... es and perceptions of safety in a petrochemical company in Iran, and (b) identify the factors that discourage safe work behaviours. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted by following analysis steps described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). Eighteen participants were recruited from an Iranian petrochemical company using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Individual face-to-face and semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of factors acting as barriers to safe behaviour. The interviews were recorded and transcribed in Persian and then translated into English. Conventional content analysis was performed. Results: The main themes emerging from the interviews were: (i) poor direct safety management and supervision; (ii) unsafe workplace conditions; (iii) workers' perceptions, skills and training; and (iv) broader organisational factors. Conclusions: The findings give insights into practical organisational measures that can be
doi:10.21203/rs.2.14141/v1 fatcat:fajtqafypjc57kmbiocilrypwa