A Survey on Covid Safety System

Hinal Sodagra
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: In this paper a Raspberry Pi based automated solution system focused on the real-time face monitoring of people to detect both face masks and body temperature with the help of MLX90614 sensor has been proposed. This is implemented using Python Programming with OpenCV Library, TensorFlow, Dlib Module. A security clearance system is deployed that will allow that person to enter if they are wearing a face mask and their body temperature is in check with WHO guidelines. A programmed hand
more » ... anitizer apportioning machine is mechanized, non-contact, liquor-based hand sanitizer gadget. Liquor is essentially a dissolvable, and furthermore a generally excellent sanitizer when contrasted with fluid cleanser or strong cleanser, likewise it needn't bother with water to wash off since it is unpredictable furthermore, disintegrates in a split second after application to hands. It is too demonstrated that a convergence of >70% liquor can execute Covid in hands. Here, we have used IR sensor detects the hand put close to it, the Arduino Uno is utilized as a microcontroller, which detects the distance and the outcome isthe pump starts running out the hand sanitizer. Thus, the above said system will help the society by saving time and also helps in contaminating the spread of coronavirus. This can be implemented in public places such as colleges, schools, offices, shopping malls, etc. to inspect people. Keywords: Deep Learning, Open CV, Keras, Python, Tensor Flow, Computer Vision, Raspberry Pi, COVID-19, DLib, Arduino, Sensor, Sanitizer, Infrared sensor
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.38850 fatcat:ngdxlso2gzbz3lwofzckufsqjm