A study of neutron proton charge exchange scattering in the momentum range 50 - 200 GeV [report]

N. W. Reay, K. Reibel, T. A. Romanowski, N. R. Stanton, /Ohio State U., M. A. Abolins, M. T. Lin, G. A. SMith, /Michigan State U., K. W. Edwards, /Carleton Coll., J. S. Fitch (+2 others)
1970 unpublished
It is proposed to measure the neutron-proton charge exchange cross-section in an on-l ine counter experiment for four-momentum transfers between .002 and 1.0 (GeV/c)2. The experiment will be performed in an intense neutron beam with a continuous momentum spectrum; data will be taken simul taneously for all momenta between 50 and 200 GeV/c. At a beam intensity of 1"0 7 neutrons/pulse, the true data-collection rate will be about .5 per pulse. Approximately 90,000 events will be obtained. The
more » ... r momenta of both outgoing particles are measured, resulting in a 3-constraint fit. The two-body topology allows a large rejection of background by the counter logic. SUBMITTED BY
doi:10.2172/897142 fatcat:jnxfr2lo5zez3aejd7wpl6fy6u