How to Choose the Correct Branding? Application of Fuzzy VIKOR on Consumers Purchasing the Luxury Brand

Tienchin Wang, Yenying Huang
2021 Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Social Science and Contemporary Humanity Development (SSCHD 2020)   unpublished
This paper applies the fuzzy VIKOR method to the luxury brand decision-making behavior. The method adds the largest group utility with the smallest regret of alternatives on the basis of fuzzy theory to solve the multi-criteria decision-making problem. The research process and results show that the opinions of decision-making experts can be the epitome of consumers' buying behavior, brand managers can also make more accurate marketing strategies, and they will be more constructive in the use of future marketing communication budgets.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210121.124 fatcat:7iebbse54ne6nevlxo7outtmay