Charting the internal landscape: Affect associated with thoughts about major life domains explains life satisfaction

Talya Miron-Shatz, Ed Diener, Glen M. Doniger, Tyler Moore, Shimon Saphire-Bernstein
2013 Judgment and Decision Making  
AbstractStudies of happiness have examined the impact of demographics, personality and emotions accompanying daily activities on life satisfaction. We suggest that how people feel while contemplating aspects of their lives, including their weight, children and future prospects, is a promising yet uncharted territory within the internal landscape of life satisfaction. In a sample of 811 American women, we assessed women's feelings when thinking about major life domains and frequency of thoughts
more » ... bout each domain. Regression and dominance analyses showed that emotional valence of thoughts about major life domains was an important predictor of current and prior life satisfaction, surpassing, in descending order, demographics, participants' feelings during recent activities, and their neuroticism and extraversion scores. Domains thought about more frequently were often associated with greater emotional valence. These results suggest that life satisfaction may be improved by modifying emotional valence and frequency of thoughts about life domains. Moreover, these thoughts appear to be an important and relatively stable component of well-being worthy of further study.
doi:10.1017/s1930297500003697 fatcat:aw633q4i75e3fgc4ggsetrad4q