ICTs for education and development in rural communities [chapter]

Sithabile Magwizi
2005 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing  
Proficiency in ICT skills is now regarded as important as basic reading and writing skills. In order to achieve computer literacy among the entire population, ICTs should be incorporated into the formal education system of a country. It must be noted however, that this process does not begin and end with putting computers in schools. Maximum use and benefits can only be derived through corresponding changes in approach to teacher training, curriculum development and administration. Overall, the
more » ... support from teachers and the community is necessary to ensure the success of strategic initiatives. This can only be achieved by involving input from representatives of all stakeholder groups, for the development and implementation of the necessary policies and strategies. To gauge the extent to which this goal achieves transformational development, which is sustainable, practical measures will have to be put in place.
doi:10.1007/0-387-23120-x_28 fatcat:dhnexq3mgfdtvnrpcgr4xgplta