Shochu Distillery By-product Loses Growth Promoting Activity during Preservation

Mosa Sanzida SULTANA, Mosa Sanzida SULTANA, Tomomi KAMIZONO, Kenta FURUSONO, Kunioki HAYASHI
2011 Nihon Danchi Chikusan Gakkaihou  
It has been found that shochu distillery by-product (SDBP) originated from sweet potato can improve growth and meat quality of broiler because SDBP contains growth promoter and antioxidants such as polyphenols. In the present study, effects of feeding 1 year-preserved and fresh SDBPs (liquid type, 60% water) on performance and meat quality were examined in broiler chicken. Parameters compared were body weight gain, breast muscle weight, feed conversion ratio (FCR), plasma and muscle TBARS,
more » ... e α-tocopherol content and plasma N τ -methylhistidine (MeHis) concentration. Previously to the animal experiment, chemical compositions of the two SDBPs were compared and found that α-tocopherol concentration was lower and ammonia concentration was higher in the preserved SDBP comparing to the fresh SDBP while there was no difference of polyphenol concentration. In the animal experiments, the body weight gain tended to be increased and FCR tended to be decreased by the fresh SDBP but not by the preserved SDBP. The breast muscle weight tended to be increased by the fresh SDBP and ANOVA showed that the effect of preservation was signifi cant. Plasma TBARS were signifi cantly lowered by both SDBPs and the effect of preservation was signifi cant while muscle TBARS and muscle α-tocopherol content were not affected. Plasma N τ -MeHis concentration was signifi cantly decreased by SDBP and the effect of preservation was also signifi cant. The present study shows that SDBP loses its growth promoting effect while antioxidant effect remains during a long-term preservation.
doi:10.11461/jwaras.54.99 fatcat:j5lv6bpaxrbb7klyvj6rewt5x4