Acknowledgments [chapter]

2020 The Art of Survival  
The research and writing of this book were made pos si ble through the support of countless generous souls. I am grateful for the kind assistance of experts in the many archives and libraries in which this proj ect has allowed me to work: the Hoover Institution Library and Archives in Palo Alto, the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, the Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine in Nanterre, the Historial de la Grande Guerre in Péronne, the Imperial War Museum in London, the
more » ... Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum at the Ohio State University, and the Chaplin Archives in Montreux, Switzerland. I am indebted to Anthony Langley for his incredible, though sadly no longer available, online archive of texts and images, The Great War in a Dif er ent Light. I have been able to consult trea sures through Gallica, the digital archive of the Bibliothèque Nationale, through the Internet Archive, and through the remarkable site gusbofa . com. I am grateful to the staff of the OhioLink network of libraries, of Mudd Library at Oberlin College, and of the Oberlin Interlibrary Loan Office for bringing so many resources right to my door. My thanks also go to Blanche Villar for her constant good cheer and her help with logistical prob lems big and small. This proj ect grew out of research and thinking I conducted while writing a doctoral thesis at Stanford University. Many people helped me get this proj ect off the ground, and many people helped me see it through to its completion. I would like to thank Jeffrey Schnapp, Margaret Cohen, and Mary Louise Roberts for their unwavering support and encouragement. I thank Grace An and Pat Day for reading for me and thinking with me in moments when I needed perspective. I am grateful to Lisa Stein Haven, Cecilia Cenciarelli, and Kate Guyonvarch for welcoming me into the congenial world of Charlie Chaplin Studies. I thank every one involved in the Western Society
doi:10.12987/9780300225006-003 fatcat:2ywsn5z6ybe2nnberinbbys7iy