Frontmatter [chapter]

2022 The Racial Contract  
Praise for The Racial Contract "This is a significant and compelling work. In the modest compass of an extended essay, Mills succeeds in altering our view of a central strand of modern political thought, the social contract tradition. . . . His most accurate characterization of his enterprise comes, I believe, toward the end of the book when he places it in the tradition of radical enlightenment critique. . . . To this enterprise Mills has made a major contribution."-Ethics "This is an
more » ... little book, as it seeks to place race at the very center of political theory. . . . For those who agree that issues of race and racial justice demand far more attention from political theorists than they are currently receiving, the book is a welcome contribution. By showing the systematic and deeply embedded nature of racism in modern Western political theory and practice, Mills demonstrates that racist policies and ideas are not unfortunate divergences from the general rule of race neutrality but are themselves the rule in Western culture. In the process, Mills provides an analytical framework that connects claims for domestic racial justice and those for international justice. In all these respects the book is an important contribution to current discussions about justice in both realms." -American Political Science Review
doi:10.1515/9781501764301-fm fatcat:ywditaf75fdmpc6uc5xrsm6r6e