Medical News

1869 The Lancet  
560 The amendment, after considerable discussion, was negatived, seven voting for it, and ten against it. It was then moved that the Minutes of the same meeting so far as regarded the recommendation of the institution of a joint examining board for each division of the United Kingdom, be not confirmed. The resolution referred to runs as follows :-" That it is the opinion of this Council that there should be instituted a single examining board for each division of the United Kingdom, before
more » ... every person who desired a licence to practise should appear, and by which he should be examined, and that a diploma from either of such examining boards should entitle the holder to practise medicine, surgery, and midwifery in any part of Her Majesty's dominions." This amendment also, after an animated debate, was lost, five voting in its favour, and fourteen against it. The consideration of Mr. Hancock's proposition, for the appointment of a Board of Anatomy and Physiology, was postponed till the next meeting.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)66920-x fatcat:awg7iiklqncwnpfrhvpmqy7kpm