Elastoplastic effects on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in an accelerated solid slab

J. J. López Cela, A. R. Piriz, M. Temporal, N. A. Tahir, M. C. Serna Moreno
2004 European Physical Journal : Applied physics  
The instability of an accelerated solid slab with elastoplastic properties is analysed by means of numerical simulations. The study is performed in the framework of experiments to be carried out at the future synchrotron facility SIS100 at the Gesellschaft fűr Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, which consider the implosion of a heavy pusher layer driven by the expansion of a material heated by an intense beam of heavy ions. We have found that for the megabar pressures involved in these
more » ... iments, the solid pusher may retain elastoplastic properties that are beneficial for the stabilization of the shortest perturbation wavelengths.
doi:10.1051/epjap:2004220 fatcat:3nvuoi5h75eqthgzill7qfssea