Title Loss analysis of a single phase fast transient VRM converter AnaIysis of a Single Phase Fast Transient VRM Converter

Yy Law, Ddc Lu, Jcp Liu, Nk Poon, Pong, Y Law, Dylan Lu, Joe Liu, N Poon, M Pong
2004 Citation Conference Proceedings-Ipemc 2004: 4Th International Power Electronics And Motion Control Conference   unpublished
This paper analyzes the loss& of a stepping inductor converler in the presence of load fransienb. Stepping inductor converter is a buck VRM fopobgy which only employs n single plmse. Stepping inductor converter is very effective in dealing wifk fast transiertf mid at tlre same tune i f can give heuer steady sfnte efficiency. Occurrences of lrarrsient load currenl chmiges are measured in a PC arid a h are used for the comparison to evaluate the real world performance of fhe sfepping ifductor
more » ... erter a i d the muhiplmse interleaved buck convirter.