WR effects on CP angles determination at a B factory

T. Kurimoto, A. Tomita, S. Wakaizumi
1996 Physics Letters B  
The right-handed charged current gauge boson W_R can affect significantly on the determination of the CP violation angles to be measured at B factories if the right-handed current quark mixing matrix V^R is taken to a specific form to satisfy the bounds by neutral K meson systems. The W_R contribution can be sizable in B^0-B^0 mixing and tree level b quark decay. The deviation of CP angles in unitarity triangle from the standard model values can be as large as -37^∘ or +22^∘ for ϕ_3 (γ), and 66^∘∼ 115^∘ for ϕ_1 (β) and ϕ_2 (α).
doi:10.1016/0370-2693(96)00600-4 fatcat:frpo26n22fftxnpafvcbebusw4