Resveratrol-induced Apoptosis Is Associated with Fas Redistribution in the Rafts and the Formation of a Death-inducing Signaling Complex in Colon Cancer Cells

Dominique Delmas, Cédric Rébé, Sandrine Lacour, Rodolphe Filomenko, Anne Athias, Philippe Gambert, Mustapha Cherkaoui-Malki, Brigitte Jannin, Laurence Dubrez-Daloz, Norbert Latruffe, Eric Solary
2003 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in grape skin and various other food products, may function as a cancer chemopreventive agent for colon and other malignant tumors and possesses a chemotherapeutic potential through its ability to trigger apoptosis in tumor cells. The present study analyses the molecular mechanisms of resveratrol-induced apoptosis in colon cancer cells, with special attention to the role of the death receptor Fas in this pathway. We show that, in the 10 -100 M range of
more » ... ons, resveratrol activates various caspases and triggers apoptosis in SW480 human colon cancer cells. Caspase activation is associated with accumulation of the pro-apoptotic proteins Bax and Bak that undergo conformational changes and relocalization to the mitochondria. Resveratrol does not modulate the expression of Fas and Fas-ligand (FasL) at the surface of cancer cells, and inhibition of the Fas/FasL interaction does not influence the apoptotic response to the molecule. Resveratrol induces the clustering of Fas and its redistribution in cholesterol and sphingolipid-rich fractions of SW480 cells, together with FADD and procaspase-8. This redistribution is associated with the formation of a death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). Transient transfection of either a dominant-negative mutant of FADD, E8, or MC159 viral proteins that interfere with the DISC function, decreases the apoptotic response of SW480 cells to resveratrol and partially prevents resveratrol-induced Bax and Bak conformational changes. Altogether, these results indicate that the ability of resveratrol to induce the redistribution of Fas receptor in membrane rafts may contribute to the molecule's ability to trigger apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Resveratrol 1 (3,4Ј,5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a polyphenolic, antifungal phytoalexin found in various food products,
doi:10.1074/jbc.m304896200 pmid:12902349 fatcat:bnhmilh5dzcibgz5ovodx26kqu