الحال عند التوليديين

صفاء رجب فاروق عبد الحافظ
2022 مجلة کلية الآداب . جامعة بني سويف  
The adverbs in Generative Grammarians " Recent studies do a study Grammatical issues By reorganizing the grammatical base From the standpoint of linguistics, trying to separate the overlaps of grammatical functions and simplify the rule, This study examines the function of the grammatical adverbs and its interaction with other grammatical functions, where the study monitors through the book of "Elbayan fi Ghareeb iarab al-Quran" to vocabulary and sentences qur'anic, in which the function of the
more » ... adverb overlaps with other grammatical functions, and research the causes of this overlap, and comparing the controls set by the old sculptors with the opinions of the transformative generations . The study, dealt with the study of the function of the adverb, of the adverb, indicating the location of the adverb in the sentence at the obstetricians, and then it mentions the opinions of the obstetricians and their analysis of the sentences. And their dependence on the significance of the singular in the dictionary and its orientation to the composition through its presentation of the semantic structure the adverb . The study concludes with conclusion and results of the subject by a comparison between the old and the modern studies of the function of the case .
doi:10.21608/jfabsu.2020.47449.1031 fatcat:niqmyckc3bbkfljvbycmug6uwe