Análisis Costo-Beneficio para el Nuevo CERESO en San Pedro Cholula

Gerardo Reyes Guzmán, Abraham Sánchez Ruíz, Perla Esperanza Rostro Hernández, Alfredo Alfonso Nava Morales
2019 Nova Scientia  
The aim of this paper to elaborate a cost-benefit analysis to estimate the convenience of investing in a new prison within San Pedro Cholula, a municipality located in the Mexican Federal State of Puebla. Method: We use a methodology proposed by Canavagh P. David and Mark A.R. Kleinman (1990) who develop a cost-benefit analysis of building a prison in the United States considering four concerning participants: government, families, enterprises and society. Results: Based on an Internal Rate of
more » ... eturn of 48% and a cost-benefit relation of 1.77, it turns out that the construction of a new facility is convenient and recommendable under the present tenets.Conclusion: Overpopulation and precarious conditions prevail in most Mexican prisons nowadays. Corruption, violence and permanent violations of human rights are business as usual and the Cholula prison is not the exception. That is why, a new facility, away from the urban area is not only necessary but urgent, in order to improve the general conditions of the local population.
doi:10.21640/ns.v11i22.1797 fatcat:pk4ccimk7bgynhg7ziljahqwhu