Comprehensive evaluation of high rocky slope safety through an integrated analytic hierarchy process and extension matter model

H. Z. Su, M. Yang, Z. P. Wen
2016 NHESSD  
High rocky slope is an open complex giant system with contradiction among different influencing factors and coexistence of qualitative and quantitative information. This study presents a comprehensive intelligent evaluation method of high rocky slope safety by an integrated analytic hierarchy process, extension matter element model and entropy-weight to assess the safety behavior of the high rocky slope. The proposed intelligent evaluation integrates subjective judgments derived from the
more » ... c hierarchy process with the extension matter model and entropy-weight into a multiple indexes dynamic safety evaluation approach. A combining subjective and objective comprehensive evaluation process, a more objective manner through avoiding subjective effects on the weights and a qualitative safety assessment and quantitative safety amount are presented in the proposed method. The detailed computational procedures were also provided to illustrate the integration process of the above methods. Safety analysis of one high rocky slope is conducted to illustrate that this approach can adequately handle the inherent imprecision and contradiction of the human decision-making process and provide the flexibility and robustness needed for the decision maker to better monitor the safety behavior of high rocky slope. This study was the first application of proposed integrated evaluation method to safety assessment of high rocky slope, which also indicated that it can also be applied to other similar problems.
doi:10.5194/nhess-2015-336 fatcat:3ja5ghq4a5bunador4lseen4fa