The prediction of autologous red cell survival

B A Myhre, C S Marcus, N C Wheeler
Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science  
Nine donors predicted from earlier studies to have increased autologous red cell survival and four predicted to have lesser survival were selected from a pool of previously studied donors. Blood was drawn from these donors, and stored in Neutracel (R-Cutter Lab) preservative for eight hours at room temperature. The platelet rich plasma was removed, the additive solution was introduced, and the red cells were stored for 42 days in an approved refrigerator. At the end of the storage period, a 24
more » ... our Cr-51 viability analysis was performed on each donor. Predicted red cell survival scores correlated reasonably well with the observed percent of red cell viability (r = 0.648). This study suggests that it may be possible to predict increased viability of autologous red cells in certain donors.
pmid:2206096 fatcat:7bxfozpjobgudpvarduuoqimca