Just a room–extra

Clare Wadlow
2015 British Journal of Psychiatry  
I am a room. Just a room. Nothing peculiar about me. Well, I don't think that I am special. Though you might say that my walls are dull and my paint is peeling a little, yes. You may comment that I don't seem very cosy. I imagine you think me rather sparse. You might point out that I haven't a curtain rail or a bar in my wardrobe to hang a hanger. My coat hooks are rather unusual and I seem to have mislaid my bathroom plug. Yet I am proud of my en suite wet room, well wouldn't you be? I have a
more » ... ig window, though it doesn't open very far. Look, I have a box of tissues and another of chocolates. There is a picture on the wall. That blu tack might make my paint a little worse but I think it's worth the risk.
doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.159020 fatcat:kksmzzarfrecjjtecra4tr4zle