British Medical Journal

1876 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
Members of Branches'are requested to pay the same to their respective Secretaries. Members of the Association not belonging to Bralnches, are requested to forwardl their remittances to Mr. FRANCIS FoWKE, General Secretary, 36, Great Queen Street, Lonidon, W.C. to the 13rain" (checnici(al News, February 25th, 1876, p. 79). The labour expended on this great research must have been enormous. From the difficulty of obtaining human brains in sufficient quantity, the brain of the ox was employed. It
more » ... as also found neccssary in most cases to operate on large quantities of the substance, anid it is stated that no fewer than 2,000 brains have been used. Withlout goinig into miniute chemical details, which arc given in the report with great exactitu(le, we shall now attefipt to show briefly the results arrived at. I. Brain-matt;e conitains a large quantity of t,'er chemically combine(d with various substanices so as to form a colloidal mnass, thlus permnittinig great "motility" of l)articles, and also penetrability of other substances by liquid diffuisioni. This conidition of "1motility" is what one would anticipate in the substance of ani organ wlhich is so constantly in actionI as the braini. 2. The brain conitainis "a considerable amount of an atlbaninous base", wvhiclh, according to Dr. Thudichum, is not present in a liquid unattache(d form as iii semumii, but appears to be " governed" by inattcrs peculiar to the brain. lIe has not in thuis investigation investigated the exact condition of thle albuinen of the braini-matter. 3. h'l'ere are certain substanices found in, large qiuanitity in brainmattcr, though not peculiar to it. 'Thesc hie has divided inito three groups. a. Phosphorised Bodlies, conLtainiin, five clemnciits, carbon, hyd rogein, niitrogen, oxygen, and phosphoru. All of these bodies contain the p)hosphorus in the formi of phosphoric acid, wlhich is combined withl glycerinie. Unider various proce&ses, glyccrine-phosp)horie acid is lproduced. But D)r. 'Tluldichumii has found(I that they dIillf r aia,nn' themmselves iln thle ll(Kole ill whichli tln.y colitain the nlitrog,en and(i the acid" or, inl ohlcLr worli, the mnolecule is differcently built Ilmp, and he hias accordingfly split tlhiein uj) inito sub-groupsthec Ii7/edg,inc , the'/ is, alldl L (vilhsm'". lic tllhis sulliniarises t A';P /s, / //i, AlbdiCal i.r PI J ' r/Yi Cvy (titi and !i/ 'rnment Iotird.
doi:10.1136/bmj.2.818.309 fatcat:2biemkg2kfew5horv4ynqzi42i