ctDNA as A Biomarker of Progression in Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma [post]

Vanessa F. Bonazzi, Lauren G. Aoude, Sandra Brosda, James M. Lonie, Kalpana Patel, Julia J. Bradford, Lambros T. Koufariotis, Scott Wood, B. Mark Smithers, Nicola Waddell, Andrew P. Barbour
2021 unpublished
Background: The incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) is rapidly increasing and despite improvements in treatment, the five-year survival rate remains poor. Prognostic biomarkers that address the genomic heterogeneity in this highly complex disease will aid the development of precision therapeutics and improve patient survival. The aim of this study was to determine whether circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) has prognostic significance as a biomarker in OAC patients.Methods: We profiled 209
more » ... blood and tumour samples from 57 OAC patients. Using a panel of 77 cancer genes, we sequenced ctDNA in plasma samples (n=127) which were taken at multiple time points pre- and post-therapy. In parallel, we sequenced matched tumour samples from 39 patients using the same gene panel. To assess whether the ctDNA profile reflected the tumour heterogeneity, we sequenced additional multi-region primary tumour samples (n=17). In addition, we analysed whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing data from primary tumours for a subset of 18 patients. Results: Using a tumour agnostic approach, we found that detectable ctDNA variants in post-treatment plasma samples were associated with worse disease specific survival. To evaluate whether the ctDNA originated from the primary tumour, we performed a tumour informed analysis which confirmed post-treatment ctDNA variants were associated with worse survival. To determine whether ctDNA could be used as a clinical follow-up test, we assessed blood samples from multiple time points before and after treatment, in a subset of patients. Results showed that the variant allele frequency of ctDNA variants increased with disease recurrence. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that ctDNA variants can be detected in patients with OAC and this has potential clinical utility as a prognostic biomarker for survival.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1041840/v1 fatcat:xbjolkq3mzdwvgki65i33qgp2q