Individual Swift Trust and Knowledge-Based Trust in Face-to-Face and Virtual Team Members
Lionel P. Robert, Alan R. Denis, Yu-Ting Caisy Hung
Journal of Management Information Systems
received her b.b.A. in management information systems from Chun-Yuan Christian university in taiwan, her M.Sc. in information systems from the university of Maryland, and M.b. and Ph.D. in information systems from Indiana university. Her primary research focuses on virtual team interaction through various information and communication technologies. Her specific research areas include intercultural communication and collaboration in global virtual teams, temporal coordination in virtual teams,
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... d trust in virtual teams. She has presented her work in various international conferences and has published in AbstRACt: traditionally, trust has been seen as a result of personal knowledge of an individual's past behavior. In this view, trust develops gradually over time based on an individual's cognitive assessment of the other person's behavior. However, high levels Prior theories and the Proposed Model Cognitive trust tHe infoRmAtion sYstems (is) LiteRAtuRe alone offers a diversity of definitions of trust. this is in part due to the many different IS contexts in which trust has been studied. Researchers have studied trust in online purchasing [7, 32, 70, 87] , the use of recommendation agents [72, 73, 74, 146] , and virtual health-care settings [81, 112, 152] . In this study, we focus on interpersonal trust among members of virtual teams. Although there are many types of virtual teams, three factors commonly differentiate virtual teams from face-to-face teams: the limited history of team members, the temporary nature of the teams, and the use of electronic communications as a primary communication medium. Interpersonal trust can be categorized as cognitive, affect, and emotional [72, 73] . Like prior research on virtual teams, this study focuses on cognitive interpersonal trust [61, 63, 64, 67] . Cognitive trust is defined as a "trustor's rational expectations that a trustee will have the necessary attributes to be relied upon" [77, p. 943]. Cognitive trust can be developed through at least two paths. One, trust can be imported "swiftly" from previous experiences and invoked by similarities in the current situation/trustee with that of the past [99] . two, trust can emerge as the result of personal experiences between the trustor and the trustee [94] . the first path is referred to in this paper as swift trust and the second as knowledge-based trust. In this study, we differentiate between trusting beliefs (the belief the trustor has toward the trustee) and trusting intention (willingness of the trustor to engage in trusting behavior with the trustee), regardless of the path through which trust is formed [73, 98] .