Energy evolution of coal subjected to thermo-gas-mechanical coupling

Yanan Gao, Feng Gao, Guanghui Dong, Hao Wang, Xueyun Changa
2019 Thermal Science  
Original scientific paper In this paper, the orthogonal experiment method is employed to design mechanical test of coal under different temperature, confining pressure, and gas pressure. The results of the experiment were analyzed using statistical methods, such as elastic modulus, peak stress, Poisson's ratio. The linear model is used to describe the mechanical parameters of coal under the influence of temperature, confining pressure, and gas. The energy
more » ... ormula of coal sample under constant confining pressure is deduced. The evolution of input energy, elastic energy, and dissipation energy in coal deformation process are analyzed.
doi:10.2298/tsci180605082g fatcat:npbywpojinddlnosyecwlupfre