Analysis of Metals Eluted from Stainless Steel in Ultrapure Water Using a Portable Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Arisa KAKO, Shinsuke KUNIMURA
2022 Bunseki Kagaku  
In this study, a portable total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometer was applied to the analysis of the amount of chromium eluted from stainless steel into hot ultrapure water. By measuring a TXRF spectrum of the dry residue of a 300 μL droplet of a sample solution, the Cr Kα line from several μg L -1 of chromium was clearly observed. Quantified concentrations of chromium in eluates obtained from SUS316L sheets were ranged from 4.2 μg L -1 to 8.9 μg L -1 .
doi:10.2116/bunsekikagaku.71.431 fatcat:5ynnw3u7h5bjpmevrf652c2xce