Blood pressure management and progression of chronic kidney disease in a canine remnant kidney model

Jun Gu Kang, Mi-yeon Yu, Hajeong Lee, Dong Ki Kim, Kwon Wook Joo, Yon Su Kim, Seung Hee Yang
2018 General Physiology and Biophysics  
The canine remnant kidney model is fundamental to understanding the relationship between hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study aimed to create a 1/16 remnant kidney model and to determine whether blood pressure (BP) control affects the progression of CKD. A group of dogs received BP treatment (group A) and another received BP treatment except for the first 2 weeks (group B). The remnant kidney model was induced using a two-step subtotal nephrectomy method; dogs received
more » ... ypertensive therapy. Systolic BP, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, urinary protein, and creatinine levels were measured weekly. Kidney tissues were obtained at the conclusion of the study. Systolic BP was controlled to <160 mmHg in both groups for 18 weeks, except for the first 2 weeks in group B. Proteinuria was elevated after renal ligation in both groups, but gradually increased in group B and decreased in group A (p = 0.009). Blood urea nitrogen (p = 0.014) and creatinine (p = 0.020) levels were higher in group B than in group A. More histological damage was observed in group B than in group A. Induction of 1/16 nephrectomy successfully established CKD. Control of BP may be important to prevent or control the progression of CKD in dogs.
doi:10.4149/gpb_2017055 pmid:29589837 fatcat:tztg62bfqrbrlhme2wwduao2oq