Listening to complexity: blind people's learning about gas particles through a sonified model

Orly Lahav, Sharona T. Levy
2011 International Journal on Disability and Human Development  
Students who are blind have been integrated at public schools with sighted students. Because most of Science Education curriculum resources are based on visual representations such as diagrams, charts, models (real and digital), and exploration in science laboratories, students who are blind are lack in participating and collecting the information from first hand. The current research project is based on the assumption that the supply of appropriate information through compensatory sensory
more » ... els may contribute to science education performance. In the research system -Listen to complexity system the user is interacting with dynamic objects in a real life scenario. issue on agent-based modeling). E Klopfer (2003). Technologies to support the creation of complex systems models -using StarLogo software with students. Biosystems, 71(1-2), pp. 111-122. E Klopfer, S Yoon and J Perry (2005). Using palm technology in participatory simulations of complex systems: A new take on ubiquitous and accessible mobile computing.
doi:10.1515/ijdhd.2011.013 fatcat:vyzjcmvj7vaxfie5lddr45lvfe