Delimitation and Verification of Decision-Making Factors When Settling Upon Event Destinations: The Brazilian Case

Adriano Stadler, Marcos Rogério Maioli, Mariana Pires Vidal Lopez
2018 International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology  
This article aims to delimit the decision-making factors when opting for event destinations. Therefore, a survey based on the Likert scale of 6 points was set out to the 79 surveyees who held events in Brazil between 2005 and 2010, and was cataloged by one of the most important event organizers associations in the world. The answers lay out little homogeneity, which is evident from the analysis of average and standard deviations to the multivariate analysis, especially through factor analysis.
more » ... t was noticed that the categories for services and costs are legitimate; since the categories which aimed at diagnosing the influence of location in choosing the events destination is null and void. The results set out that cost and location have influence in decision-making when it comes to the election of an event destination, but the ascertained variables do not bear high statistical validity.
doi:10.23956/ijermt.v6i6.261 fatcat:d32vhxy6pffpvcqogxepaoyrbe