Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Interference Rejection Capabilities of Linear and Circular Arrays in CDMA Systems

S. Durrani, M.E. Bialkowski
2004 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation  
This paper is concerned with assessing the interference rejection capabilities of linear and circular array of dipoles that can be part of a base station of a code-division multiple-access cellular communication system. The performance criteria for signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) improvement employed in this paper is the spatial interference suppression coefficient. We first derive an expression for this figure of merit and then analyze and compare the SIR performance of the two types of
more » ... ys. For a linear array, we quantitatively assess the degradation in SIR performance as we move from array broadside to array end-fire direction. In addition, the effect of mutual coupling is taken into account. Index Terms-Adaptive arrays, code-division multiple access, interference suppression, mutual coupling.
doi:10.1109/tap.2004.825640 fatcat:bsvgujroqvhfvcjjkbhju5p374