Dual Education as the Peculiarity of Specialized Training of Nursing Personnel in Germany

Halyna Oleskova
2017 Comparative Professional Pedagogy  
Specialized training of nursing personnel in Ukraine is being reformed presently. Quality specialized training of nursing personnel is a prerequisite for successful functioning of the health care system in general. In this regard, the article describes dual education system in Germany where educators have accumulated valuable experience in specialized training of nursing personnel. It must be noted that dual education system is divided into theoretical and practical components, whereas
more » ... al component assumes out-service training and priority practical component - in-service training. In addition, such notions as "dual education", "nursing personnel", "professional training", "specialized training" have been defined. The peculiarities of specialized training of geriatric nursing personnel, health and nursing professionals, health and pediatric nursing personnel have been considered. Special attention has been paid to the fact that new names for nursing professions linguistically highlight a more extensive approach to nursing. The role of practice mentoring in specialized training of nursing personnel has been justified. Based on theoretical analysis of references, it has been concluded that professional pedagogics being the most developed direction in Germany contributes to efficient organization of the education process and training of highly qualified specialists.
doi:10.1515/rpp-2017-0028 fatcat:su5c3tdagvfbzmxdqhyk6n2kxi