A review on buildings energy consumption in Russia: educational buildings

Aleksandr Lanko, Francisco Jose Sanchez de la Flor, Tamara Narezhnaya, A. Zheltenkov, A. Mottaeva
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
To understand the importance of implementing energy-saving technologies in educational buildings, it is necessary to assess current energy consumption. The main goal of the article is to show the level of energy consumption of educational buildings in Russia. The main method of the study is to collect information from various sources and to analyze it in order to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the volume of energy consumption. The collected information for Federal
more » ... s is compared with each other, and the average data for Russia is compared with figures for similar buildings in the European Union and North America. A comparison of the resulting data for the Federal districts of Russia shows that climate is one of the most important factors affecting energy consumption. As a result, according to different estimates, the total energy consumption in educational buildings is from 240 to 400 kWh/m2. It is one of the highest in comparison with developed countries of the European Union and North America.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202016402001 fatcat:nfv6a5nxcfbxtkuedvr6asqixm