Minimize the Material Handling Time of Agricultural Finished Goods

Sundaramahalingam S, Dr. Karthikeyan S, thiagarajar college of engineering
2020 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Agriculture is the backbone of India. Nowadays, in agriculture facing many problems, so initial the project starts with the preparation of a questionnaire. According to the problem facing agriculture in Ayikudi village, It covers nearly 425 hectors of agricultural lands surrounded by it. From the questionnaire, the problem is identified in the field of material handling in which the raw materials, finished products like vegetables, coconut, banana, etc are difficult to transfers the products
more » ... m the field to outside of the field, the project approaches to implement the slat chain conveyors system in the agriculture field to transfers the materials and products from the field to outside of the field, before the implementation of conveyor system in agricultural filed. The methodology, initial step is to defines about the agricultural field from the data gathered it leads to locate the conveyor at optimal point to cover all landholders, next step is to mathematical model is done, and next step is to design of conveyor is done, and next step is cost estimation for overall expenses is estimated for implementation and the final step is to simulation process for the manual and conveyor system implementation is done, it results that the time, cost and manpower reduce in the agriculture field is compared with manually carried by load carriers.
doi:10.17577/ijertv9is040408 fatcat:np7ealy2o5fx7pguanmbuhmfsu