A monocular pose estimation system based on infrared LEDs

Matthias Faessler, Elias Mueggler, Karl Schwabe, Davide Scaramuzza
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
We present an accurate, efficient, and robust pose estimation system based on infrared LEDs. They are mounted on a target object and are observed by a camera that is equipped with an infrared-pass filter. The correspondences between LEDs and image detections are first determined using a combinatorial approach and then tracked using a constantvelocity model. The pose of the target object is estimated with a P3P algorithm and optimized by minimizing the reprojection error. Since the system works
more » ... n the infrared spectrum, it is robust to cluttered environments and illumination changes. In a variety of experiments, we show that our system outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, we successfully apply our system to stabilize a quadrotor both indoors and outdoors under challenging conditions. We release our implementation as open-source software. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL An open-source implementation and video of this work are available at:
doi:10.1109/icra.2014.6906962 dblp:conf/icra/FaesslerMSS14 fatcat:h7u3lajksrfyfdcwmkfesdskc4